Hints for poster presenters
To improve the visibility of the paper prior to the conference and during, all poster presenters should send a one-page e-poster and a short three-minute presentation at the e-mail address cristina.marghescu(at)cetti.ro no later than August 29. The poster and presentation will be made available to all attendees in a gallery on the conference website.
The e-poster should be a JPG, PNG, or PDF file with the name IDXXX_Poster_Autorname_ESTC2022 in landscape format (16:9). Although any size can be used, keep in mind that participants will be viewing the posters on their computer screens. We recommend that posters be readable at full screen width without zooming. No specific template is required, but it is recommended that you include contact information.
The short presentation should capture the interest of the audience and convince them to come to the poster during the conference to discuss further and share information. Presentations should be no longer than 3 minutes and should be in AVI or MP4 format. The file should be named IDXXX_VideoPitch_AuthorName_ESTC2022 (where IDXXX stands for the paper ID). You can use slides (PowerPoint or PDF, preferably 1280×720 or 1920×1080 for 16:9 format), which should not be overloaded with information. You can use animations, annotations, "spotlight" as well as a video of yourself, but make sure that the recording looks good to the audience and is not too cluttered. It is recommended to include a picture or video of the presenting author(s) in the video clip.
An example tutorial of “How to make a video in PowerPoint” is available here.
All poster authors are asked to bring a printed poster at the conference venue which will be hung on a special wall (please see images below) during the entire conference, but especially during the Poster Session on Tuesday from 19:20 (EEST). The poster should be printed in portrait format (1:1.41), recommended size not larger than A0. Although any size can be used, keep in mind that participants will be viewing the printed posters hung in the wall as seen in the images below. No specific template is required, but it is recommended that all information from the e-poster be present, conclusions of the paper, most important references and acknowledgement if it is the case.
Schedule of the poster evaluation
Posters will be evaluated during the poster session (Tuesday 19:20..20:30). The evaluation will be done by 12 poster evaluation teams with two members each. Every poster will evaluated by two teams. Please be prepared to present your poster two times in a short (3..4 minutes) oral presentation. A discussion including questions about your poster will follow. The evaluation discussion duration will be ten minutes maximum.