• 2006, Dresden, Fireworks artist during welcome reception
  • 2006, Dresden, Keynote presentation
  • 2008, Greenwich, University Campus
  • 2016, Grenoble, Networking during break
  • 2014, Helsinki, Audience
  • 2016, Grenoble, Audience
  • 2016, Grenoble, Poster Presentation
  • 2008, Greenwich, Exhibition
  • 2008, Greenwich, Conference attendees
  • 2010, Berlin, Keynote
  • 2010, Berlin, Networking
  • 2014, Helsinki, Finlandia Hall
  • 2018, Dresden, PDC
  • 2018, Dresden, Conference dinner
  • 2020, Vestfold, Virtual HIR workshop panelists
  • 2020, Vestfold, Virtual conference chairing
  • 2022, Sibiu, Exhibition
  • 2022, Sibiu, Plenary Session
  • 2022, Sibiu, Gala Dinner

ESTC 2014

ESTC 2014 has been held in Helsinki, Finland. Read the organizers review below:
(Click on pictures to enlarge.)

We had the pleasure of hosting the 5th Electronics System-integration Technology Conference and Exhibition (ESTC), the premier European event in the field of smart system integration and microelectronics packaging, in Helsinki Finland between 16th – 18th of September, 2014. The conference venue, the most prestigious convention center in Finland – The Finlandia Hall, was filled with well over 300 guests each day.

The conference included five keynote talks from executives of leading corporations and research institutions in the field (Bosch, Georgia Tech, Infineon, Nokia, and TechLead), panel discussions and technical short courses on the latest topics and trends, in addition to the very essence of the conference, the 160 technical papers.

The event exceeded even our greatest expectations and, therefore, we would like to express our most sincere thanks for the all those that contributed to the success of the event as well as all guests that joined us for the three exciting days.


Mervi Paulasto-Kröckel
General Chair
Aalto University, Finland     

Toni Mattila
Executive Chair
Invest in Finland     

Gilles Poupon
Technical Program Chair
CEA LETI Minatec, France